引用本文:石少华,胡瑞忠,温汉捷,赵肖芒,宋生琼,魏文凤.2011.A tentative discussion on fluid inclusions in quartz veins of Shazijiang uranium ore deposit, northern Guangxi[J].Mineral Deposits,30(1):33~44
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Author NameAffiliation
石少华 中国科学院地球化学研究所 矿床地球化学国家重点实验室 
胡瑞忠* 中国科学院地球化学研究所 矿床地球化学国家重点实验室 
温汉捷 中国科学院地球化学研究所 矿床地球化学国家重点实验室 
赵肖芒 金原铀业公司桂林分公司 
宋生琼 中国科学院地球化学研究所 矿床地球化学国家重点实验室 
魏文凤 中国科学院地球化学研究所 矿床地球化学国家重点实验室 
中文关键词:地球化学  成矿流体  烃类包裹体  沙子江  苗儿山  桂北
A tentative discussion on fluid inclusions in quartz veins of Shazijiang uranium ore deposit, northern Guangxi
Abstract:The Miaoershan uranium orefield, one of the five large-size uranium orefields in central South China, hosts the Chanziping uranium ore deposit, which is the largest carbonaceous-siliceous-pelitic rock type uranium ore deposit in China, and some granite uranium ore deposits. A series of petrographic, microthermetric and Laser Raman microspectroscopic studies of fluid inclusions (FI) in the quartz veins of the Shazijiang uranium ore deposit, one of the important granite-hosted uranium ore deposits in the orefield, were carried out by the authors. Five types of FI were observed or identified, namely liquid FI, daughter mineral-bearing FI, pure gas FI, pure liquid FI and hydrocarbon FI. As the main fluid inclusion type of the whole ore-forming process, liquid FI have characteristics of the ore-forming fluid. The homogenization temperatures, salinities and densities of liquid FI are in the range of 109.0~342.6℃, 0.53%~7.73%, and 0.71~1.02 g/cm3 respectively. It is concluded that part of high-temperature (>300℃) fluids carried significant amounts of uranium at the early ore-forming stage. Of course, dominant ore-forming fluids are characterized by low-moderate temperature, low salinity and moderate density. Daughter mineral-bearing FI could be captured under the condition of ore-forming fluid boiling. Daughter minerals are halite and sylvite. The homogenization temperatures, salinities〔w(NaCl eq)〕and densities of daughter mineral-bearing FI are in the range of 211.8~322.0℃, 32.39%~39.76%, and 1.07~1.15 g/cm3, which should not be considered to represent the characteristics of original ore-forming fluid. Boiling reduced the activity of uranyl-carbonate complexes and resulted in uranium precipitation. At the last ore-forming stage, the addition of hydrocarbon probably from host granite into the ore-forming fluid contributed to the reduction and precipitation of hexavalent uranium. Meanwhile, hydrocarbon-rich host granite created favorable conditions for uranium ore body preservation. The hydrocarbon is composed of lots of saturated hydrocarbon, benzene, olefin and bitumen.
keywords:geocheimistry, ore-forming fluid, hydrocarbon inclusion, Shazijiang, Miaoershan, northern Guangxi
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