引用本文:王 跃,朱祥坤.2010.Application of Zn isotopes to study of mineral deposits: A review[J].Mineral Deposits,29(5):843~852
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Author NameAffiliation
王 跃 中国地质科学院地质研究所国土资源部同位素地质重点实验室 
朱祥坤* 中国地质科学院地质研究所国土资源部同位素地质重点实验室 
中文关键词:地球化学  锌同位素  矿物对  流体演化  源区变化  铜陵
Application of Zn isotopes to study of mineral deposits: A review
Abstract:This paper reports Zn isotope compositions of sphalerites and associated pyrites from the Xinqiao and the Fenghuangshan skarn type sulfide deposits in Anhui Province. Sphalerite pyrite fractionation factor is also discussed. Basic distribution of Zn isotope composition in different reservoirs and different types of deposits is systematically summarized in this paper. Based on results obtained by previous researches,this paper deals systematically with the application of Zn isotope system to the study of ore deposits. It is found that Zn isotope can be used to trace the fluid evolution and the variation of source area. During the fluid evolution in a hydrothermal fluid system, the fluid became enriched in heavier Zn isotope with the precipitation of minerals. Zn isotope composition of late stage minerals is heavier than that of early stage minerals. During the leaching of the same source area, the source area was gradually depleted in heavy Zn isotope with the preferential leaching of heavy Zn isotope by hydrothermal fluids, resulting in the more depletion of the heavy isotope in the late fluid than in the early fluid.
keywords:geochemistry,Zn isotopes,mineral pair,fluid evolution,source variation,Tongling ore district
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