引用本文:赵元艺,李波涛,焦鹏程,钱作华,陈伟十.2010.An analysis of fluid inclusion homogenization temperature of halite from Bieletan salt playa lake in Qinghai and its geological significance[J].Mineral Deposits,29(4):684~696
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Author NameAffiliation
赵元艺 中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所 
李波涛 中国地质大学 
焦鹏程,钱作华,陈伟十 中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所 
中文摘要:别勒滩位于察尔汗盐湖的最西端,最主要的沉积物为石盐,钾盐矿物主要为杂卤石、光卤石和钾石盐。文章研究了别勒滩区段盐类矿物形成的温度,为确定钾盐的形成条件提供了参考依据。别勒滩地区石盐流体包裹体均一温度呈现出3个或2个温度区段,即低温区段、中温区段和高温区段。低温区段均一温度变化范围为19.5~49.3℃,反映了大多数石盐结晶析出的卤水温度。中温区段均一温度变化范围为50.1~99.3℃,与盐湖底部卤水所达到的最高温度相对应。高温区段均一温度变化范围为100.3~195.6℃,可能为太阳池事件的响应。由太阳池下部对流层中沉积的盐类矿物组合或相关参数计算的古温度只能为其形成时的卤水温度,不能代表当时的气温。在同一样品中,既出现高温流体包裹体,又出现中温或低温流体包裹体,是矿物生长经历太阳池下部对流层环境与中部非对流层环境所致。别勒滩地区在18 m以上部位可能出现6次太阳池事件,它们的位置 (编号)分别为0.40~1.00 m(S6)、1.70~2.90 m(S5)、7.90~8.10 m(S4)、9.90~10.10 m(S3)、10.80~11.00 m(S2)、16.39~16.63 m(S1)。其中第6次太阳池事件(S6)可能是1989年发生的大水灾在盐湖沉积中的体现。
中文关键词:地球化学  石盐  流体包裹体  太阳池事件  青海别勒滩
An analysis of fluid inclusion homogenization temperature of halite from Bieletan salt playa lake in Qinghai and its geological significance
Abstract:Bieletan area is located in the westernmost part of the Qarhan Salt Lake, with the most important sediments being halite and the main sylvite minerals being polyhalite, carnallite and sylvite. This paper has studied the temperature for the formation of mineral salts in Bieletan section in the hope that it might provide a basis for understanding the formation conditions of potash salt. The distribution characteristics of homogenization temperatures of halite in Bieletan area exhibit three or two temperature sections, which are respectively low-temperature section, medium_temperature section and high-temperature section. In the low-temperature section, the temperature change range is 19.5~49.3℃, which constitute the brine temperature range in which most salt minerals should be crystallized. In the middle-temperature section, the temperature change range is 50.1~99.3℃, which correspond to the highest temperature reached by the brine at the bottom of the salt lake. In the high-temperature section, the change range is 100.3~195.6℃, which seem to be the reflection of the solar pond event. The paleotemperature calculated by the deposited salt mineral assemblage or relevant parameters in the lower convection of the solar pond can only be used as the brine temperature during its formation, but it cannot represent the air temperature at that moment. The existence of both high-temperature fluid inclusions and medium- or low-temperature fluid inclusions in a sample might have been caused by inclusions which were formed in the lower part of the solar pond convection belt and in the central part of the solar pond non-convection belt. There probably occurred 6 solar pond events in shallow parts above 18 m of Bieletan area, and the appropriate positions (serial numbers) are 0.40~1.00 m (S6) , 1.70~2.90 m (S5), 7.90~8.10 m (S4), 9.90~10.10 m (S3), 10.80~11.00 m (S2), and 16.39~16.63 m (S1). Among these events, the 6th solar pond event S6 might be the reflection of the flood that happened in Qarhan area in 1989.
keywords:geochemistry, halite, inclusions, solar pond event, Bieletan, Qinghai
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