引用本文:宣之强,陈永志.2010.Relationship between surface copper mineralization and salt dome system in Kuqa basin[J].Mineral Deposits,29(3):553~562
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Author NameAffiliation
曹养同,刘成林,焦鹏程 中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所 
宣之强 中化地质矿山总局地质研究院 
陈永志 中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所 
基金项目:中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务项目(编号 K0807);国家“十一五”科技支撑课题(塔里木盆地钾盐大规模成矿条件研究与找矿靶区预测技术,编号2006BAB07B06)
中文关键词:地质学  库车盆地  盐丘体系统  卤水  地表铜矿化 
Relationship between surface copper mineralization and salt dome system in Kuqa basin
Abstract:A series of Neogene salt domes are developed in Kuqa basin. Up till now, 36 salt domes have been found by remote sensing and field morphologic investigation, w hich are mainly scattered in Qiulitage tectonic belt in the south and Kelasu tec tonic belt in the north, exhibiting EW-trending faulted zonal distribution. During the development of the salt domes, salt domes and wall rocks as well as fault structures and shatter zones developed in wall rocks constitute a salt dome sys tem. Surface copper mineralization is developed near the salt dome, lies at the axial parts of the two large tectonic belts (anticlinal belts), somewhat close t o the two limbs, and consists of four types, i.e., sandstone type, mudstone type , limestone type and sulfide-bearing quartz vein type. The main mineral in the f irst three types is atacamite, and the mineralized horizons are located in Plioc ene Kangcun Formation and Miocene Jidike Formation. Scanning electron microscopi c analysis reveals that salt rock samples from the salt dome contain native copp er and atacamite, suggesting that the salt dome could provide copper for surface copper mineralization, whereas the salt in the brine was derived from the solut ion of salt and gypsum in the salt dome. The salt dome system not only provided brine and copper source for surface copper mineralization but also served as car rier for copper enrichment and migration through the brine formed by solution. T he faults, joints and shatter zones that existed in the wall rocks of the salt b ody and were associated with later salt domes provided channels for the migratio n of copper-bearing brine. The late stage structural compression acted as the dr iving force for the migration of copper-bearing brine.
keywords:geology, Kuqa basin, salt dome system, brine, surfac e copper mine ralization
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