引用本文:葛良胜,路彦明,郭晓东,王美娟,王治华,邹依林.2010.Relationship between crust-mantle reaction and gold mineralization in Ailaoshan metallogenic belt: A case study of Daping gold deposit in Yuanyang [J].Mineral Deposits,29(2):253~264
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Author NameAffiliation
袁士松 中国地质大学地球科学与资源学院 
葛良胜,路彦明,郭晓东,王美娟,王治华,邹依林 中国人民武装警察部队黄金地质研究所 
基金项目:国家“十一·五”科技支撑项目(2006BAB01B10)、国家重点基础研究发展计划( 2009CB42100)
中文关键词:地质学  壳幔相互作用  哀牢山成矿带  超大型矿床  大坪金矿  云南
Relationship between crust-mantle reaction and gold mineralization in Ailaoshan metallogenic belt: A case study of Daping gold deposit in Yuanyang
Abstract:The Ailaoshan metallogenic belt is located in the middle-south part of Yunnan Province, where there are several large-superlarge gold-polymetallic deposits such as Jinchang in Mojiang, Laowangzhai in Zhenyuan and Daping in Yuanyang. Regional geophysical characteristics show that the NW-striking Ailaoshan metallogenic belt has a complicated crust-mantle structure. The Moho discontinuity isobath features reveal that the crust in the northeast is thicker than that in the southwest and represents a mantle_slope on the whole. Regional studies of the seismic wave velocity of the lower crust and the upper mantle indicate that there exists a large-area low-velocity anomalous belt in southwest Yunnan Province, which perhaps has relationship with the thermal dynamical effect caused by partial melt of the lower crust materials resulting from the uplift of the upper mantle materials in the crust-mantle boundary. Such a phenomenon also implies that there once occurred a strong crust-mantle reaction in the Ailaoshan metallogenic belt. The high anomalous features of the continental geothermal gradient and the terrestrial heat flow demonstrate that the metallogenic belt has characteristics of high-temperature and low-pressure mantle slope, which might be attributed to the heat flow uplift caused by intense crust-mantle reaction at depth. Detailed isotope studies of the Daping superlarge gold-polymetallic deposit shows that the main source of the ore-forming fluid was deep crust-mantle mixed fluid rather than gas-saturation water, magmatic water or their mixed water in the upper crust. The coherence between regional geophysical and isotope characteristics shows that the ore-forming progress was accompanied by the strong deep magmatic activity in the Ailaoshan metallogenic belt, and that the crust-mantle reaction made an important contribution to the mineralization in Ailaoshan area.
keywords:geology, crust-mantle reaction, Ailaoshan metallogenic belt, superlarge deposit, Daping gold deposit, Yunnan Province
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