青海东昆仑群力地区高精度弱磁异常的找矿意义 |
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引用本文:.2009.High-precision weak magnetic anomalies in Qunli area of East Kunlun region and their prospecting significance[J].Mineral Deposits,28(5):718~724 |
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基金项目:中国地质调查局矿调项目“青海玛章错钦-周琼玛鲁1∶5万矿产远景调查项目” (编号:2004-2-2) |
中文摘要:文章针对在东昆仑祁漫塔格群力地区圈出的9处1∶5 000高精度磁异常 ,通过初步解译,6条剖面 的磁异常(ΔT)求解及磁性矿体的反演计算,结合测定的磁物性及野外地质观察结果 ,将在磁异常内发现的地表矿体、深部隐伏矿体进行对比分析后认 为,M1、M4、M5、M6等磁异常,地表强度大,峰值高,但反映的只是浅部矿体的特征,而M0 、M8两个弱磁异常,虽然磁异常强度小、峰值低,但这些磁异常规模比较大,反映的是深部 磁异常的特征。提出在以后的找矿工作中应重视对这种弱磁异常的评价。 |
中文关键词:地球物理 变质-沉积铁矿 地球物理特征 成矿预测 群力地区 东昆仑 |
High-precision weak magnetic anomalies in Qunli area of East Kunlun region and their prospecting significance |
Abstract:Aimed at investigating the nine 1∶5 000 high-precision magnetic anomalies delin eated in the study area, the authors conducted preliminary interpretation, solut ion of magnetic anomalies(ΔT)along six profiles and inversion of magneti c or e bodies. In combination with measured properties of the magnetic bodies and fie ld geological observation in Qunli area of East Kunlun region, a comparative ana lysis was made for surface and concealed ore bodies. The results show that M1, M 4, M5, M6 and some other magnetic anomalies only reflect shallow ore bodies in s p ite of their strong surface intensities and high peaks, whereas M0 and M8 weak a nomalies, though characterized by insignificant intensities and low peaks, have relatively large sizes and thus reflect features of deep magnetic anomalies. The appraisal of such weak anomalies hence deserves more attention in future work. |
keywords:geophysics, metamorphic-sedimentary iron deposit, geophysical characteristics, ore prognosis, Qunli area, East Kunlun |
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