引用本文:.2007.New advances in geochronologic study related to Emei mantle plume and their significance [J].Mineral Deposits,26(5):550~556
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Author NameAffiliation
王登红,李建康,王成辉,屈文俊,付小方,傅德明 中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所 
中文关键词:地球化学  峨眉地幔柱  铜镍硫化物矿床  钒钛磁铁矿  铂矿  同位素年代
New advances in geochronologic study related to Emei mantle plume and their significance
Abstract:This paper reports some new advances in the geochronologic study of ores and rocks related to the Permian Emei mantle plume in Southwest China. The Re_Os isochron age of Cu_Ni massive sulfide ores from Baimazhai, Yunnan, is (249±32)Ma, the 40Ar/39Ar apparent age of phlogopite from the Maiyue'er picritic mafic_ultramafic rocks close to the Yangliuping Cu_Ni massive sulfide deposit in Danba, Sichuan, is (250.2±1.9)Ma, and the 40Ar/39Ar apparent age of biotite from the No 9 ore zone from the famous Panzhihua V_Ti_bearing magnetite deposit in Sichuan is (256.85±2.69)Ma. All of these results agree with the age of the Emeishan basalts, which are distributed widely in Southwest China. Taking into account the same ages shared by Emeishan basalts, the Cu_Ni ores from Baimazhai, the iron ores from Panzhihua and the mafic_rocks from Danba, this paper suggests that the Emeishan basalts, the massive Cu_Ni ores and the V_Ti_bearing Fe deposits distributed widely in Southwest China were formed at the end of Permian and related to the Emei mantle plume genetically.
keywords:geochemistry, Emei mantle plume, Cu_Ni massive sulfide deposit, V_Ti_magnetite deposit, PGE, geochronology
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