引用本文:.2007.Ore_forming fluid characteristics and genesis of Lanjiagou molybdenum deposit in western Liaoning Province[J].Mineral Deposits,26(4):443~454
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Author NameAffiliation
代军治,毛景文,谢桂青,杨富全,赵财胜 中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所 
中文关键词:地球化学  石英脉  流体包裹体  流体混合  矿床成因  兰家沟钼矿床  辽西
Ore_forming fluid characteristics and genesis of Lanjiagou molybdenum deposit in western Liaoning Province
Abstract:Located in Liaoning Province, the Lanjiagou deposit is an important independent molybdenum deposit in northern China. Its major molybdenite ore bodies are situated within the fine_grained granite of Hongluoshan and the contact zone between the fine_grained granite and the coarse_grained granite. Large molybdenite_quartz veins constitute the main mineralization type in the Lanjiagou deposit. Detailed petrographic observation of ores from the Lanjiagou deposit shows that three types of primary fluid inclusions occur in quartz veins from the ores, i.e., aqueous two_phase inclusions (Ⅰ), daughter crystal_bearing polyphase inclusions (Ⅱ) and pure aqueous phase inclusions (Ⅲ), with more than 90% of the fluid inclusions belonging to type (Ⅰ). Microthermometric studies indicate that the homogenization temperatures and salinities of type Ⅰ fluid inclusions in ore_forming stage range from 160 to 405℃ and from 2.4% to 16.5% NaCl equivalent respectively, with most values in the range of 180~320℃ and 8%~14% NaCl equivalent. Laser Raman Spectroscopic analyses of fluid inclusions suggest that the ore_forming fluids were of the NaCl_H2O±(CO2) system.At the ore_forming stages,fluid mixing events occurred in two types of fluid inclusions with different compositions,which exerted positive influence on molybdenite precipitation and mineralization.The hydrogen and oxygen isotopic components of typical ores indicate that δD values of ore_forming fluids are from -81‰ to -101‰, while δ18OH2O from -0.1‰ to 4.5‰.The δ18OH2O values of the ore_forming fluids are lower than the values of the granite,suggesting that the ore_forming fluids might have been produced by mixing magmatic and meteoric water.Comparative studies of geological features,mineralization, wall rock alterations,fluid inclusion characteristics and H,O isotopes have led the authors to believe that there exist many differences between the Lanjiagou Mo deposit and the porphyry Mo deposit.The Lanjiagou deposit is genetically a transitional type Mo deposit from the Mo_bearing hydrothermal vein type to the porphyry Mo type.
keywords:geochemistry, quartz vein, fluid inclusion, fluid mixing, genesis, Lanjiagou molybdenum deposit, western Liaoning Province
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