引用本文:.2006.Study of two types of ore bodies in Xitieshan lead_zinc SEDEX deposit, Qinghai Province [J].Mineral Deposits,25(3):252~262
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Author NameAffiliation
祝新友,邓吉牛,王京彬,林龙军,樊俊昌 北京矿产地质研究所 
基金项目:国家科技部科技攻关项目 (2003BA612A_07)
中文关键词:地质学  铅锌矿床  喷流沉积型  矿体类型  成矿预测  青海
Study of two types of ore bodies in Xitieshan lead_zinc SEDEX deposit, Qinghai Province
Abstract:Located in the northern margin of Qaidam basin, Qinghai Province, the Xitieshan lead_zinc deposit contains about 50 million tons of ore with a grade of 8% Zn and 10% Pb. It was formed in a rift basin in Ordovician period. An exhalative_sedimentary system was found in the deposit. Ore bodies can be divided into two main types, i.e., unstratified and bedded ones. The unstratified ore bodies occur unconformably in thick marble formed during exhalation_sedimentation, and predominate near the altered stockwork zone that reflects the exhalation pipe. They possess more than 3/4 of the proven lead_zinc reserves, and consist predominantly of massive and coarse galena, sphalerite and pyrite, together with abundant hydrothermal eruptive and vent breccias. The bedded ore bodies occur near conformable banded marble far away from the stockwork zone. From unstratified to bedded ore bodies, the content of Pb_Zn gradually decreases, the grain size of sulfides becomes finer, and the Zn/Pb ratio gets higher. Geological and geochemical studies of the two types of ore bodies suggest that the unstratified ore bodies resulted from subsurface deposition, replacement, and zone refinement by upflowing hydrothermal fluids in the exhalation period, thus belonging to part of the SEDEX system. The bedded ore bodies were formed by dense brine sedimentation far away from the vent. The reserve ratio of the two types of ore bodies is obviously different from that of most SEDEX lead_zinc deposits in the world. It is pointed out that there exists a great vent facies, and hence this area might have remarkable bedded lead_zinc reserves which deserve further exploration.
keywords:geology, lead_zinc deposit, SEDEX, typy of ore body, metallog enesis, Qinghai
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