引用本文:.2006.Isotopic geochemistry of Shituling uranium deposit, northern Guangdong Province, China[J].Mineral Deposits,25(1):71~82
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Author NameAffiliation
朱 捌,凌洪飞,沈渭洲,高剑峰,邓 平,黄国龙,谭正中 成都理工大学地球科学学院 
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目(40132010)、高等学校博士学科点专项基金(200402 84039)和创新群体项目(40221301)
中文摘要:石土岭铀矿床位于贵东岩体东南部与寒武纪浅变质岩接触带的内带,矿区内NWW向和NNE向基性岩脉十分发育。矿体主要赋存于帽峰岩体中,呈脉状产出,并受近EW向裂隙构造控制。沥青铀矿的U_Pb年龄(135 Ma)与帽峰岩体的年龄(220 Ma)相差明显,但与NWW向辉绿岩脉的年龄(143 Ma)十分接近。矿石中黄铁矿的初始87Sr/86Sr值(0.71315~0.72579)介于成矿期间辉绿岩的值(0.70449~0.70632)与帽峰和下庄岩体演化至成矿时期(135 Ma)的值(0.75058~0.99507)之间;黄铁矿的铅同位素组成呈线性分布,为基底变质岩铅与帽峰岩体铅及辉绿岩铅之间不同程度的混合。Sr、Pb同位素组成显示出成矿组分具多来源特征;成矿流体的δ18OH2O=2.0‰~8.1‰,δDH2O=-63‰~-51‰,反映出成矿流体主要由幔源流体组成;方解石的δ13C=-8.3‰, 表明矿化剂∑CO2也来自地幔。因此,幔源流体在石土岭铀矿床的形成中具有十分重要的意义。
中文关键词:地球化学  同位素  幔源流体  成矿物质来源  石土岭铀矿床  粤北
Isotopic geochemistry of Shituling uranium deposit, northern Guangdong Province, China
Abstract:The Shituling uranium deposit is located on the granitic side of the contact zon e between the southeastern part of Guidong granite and the Precambrian low_grade metamorphic rocks. There occur many NWW_ and NNE_striking basic veins in this a rea. The veinlike ore bodies mainly hosted in Maofeng granite are controlled by EW_trending fissure structures. The U_Pb age of uraninite (135 Ma) is obviously different from the formation age of Maofeng granite but close to the age of NWW_ trending diabase veins. The initial 87Sr/86Sr values of pyrite ( 0.71315~0.72579) in the ore are between those of NWW_striking diabase(0.70449 ~0.70632)and Maofeng and Xiazhuang granites (0.75058~0.99507) at 135 Ma. The linear Pb isotope distribution of pyrite from the ore indicates that Pb in the ore was a m ixture of Pb derived from the basement metamorphic rock, Maofeng granite and dia base. The Sr and Pb isotopes show multiple_source characteristics of the ore_for ming components. The ore-forming fluids have δ18OH2O of 2.0‰~8. 1‰ and δDH2O of -63‰~-51‰, suggesting that the ore_forming fluids w ere mainly composed of mantle fluids. The calcite δ13C of -8.3‰ suggests that the ∑CO2 in the fluids came from the mantle. Therefore, the mantle flui ds might have played an important role in uranium mineralization of the Shitulin g uranium deposit.
keywords:geochemistry, isotope, mantle fluids, source of ore_forming components, Shituling uranium deposit  northern Guangdong Province
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