引用本文:.2004.Genetic Model and Dynamic Migration of Ore_forming Fluids in Carboniferous Exhalation_Sedimentary Massive Sulfide Deposits of Tongling District, Anhui Province[J].Mineral Deposits,23(3):353~364
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Download times: 2009
Author NameAffiliation
徐文艺,杨竹森,蒙义峰,曾普胜,史大年,田世洪,李红阳 中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所 
中文摘要:根据地质和同位素地球化学特征,建立了铜陵地区赋存于石炭系地层 底部的块状硫化物矿床的成因模型;该类型矿床的形成主要与石炭纪海底热水活动有关,属 喷流_沉积型(SEDEX)块状硫化物矿床;下伏古生代地层是重要的成矿金属源区,海水硫酸盐 是硫化物成矿的主要硫源。成矿热流体循环的动力学数值模拟揭示,该类型矿床底盘岩石中 的流体活动和热影响范围主要局限在主排泄通道两侧较小的区域内;温度场和流场决定以沉 积岩为容矿岩石的喷流_沉积型块状硫化物矿床底盘岩石中的蚀变和矿化强度不如以火山岩 为容矿岩石的块状硫化物矿床。伴随强大深部热流的张性同生断裂是控制喷流_沉积型块状 硫化物矿床形成与分布的关键因素,海西期扬子板块北缘的张性构造体制为该时期喷流_沉 积型块状硫化物矿床的形成提供了有利的地球动力学环境。
中文关键词:地球化学  SEDEX型矿床  成因模型  流体动力学  铜陵
Genetic Model and Dynamic Migration of Ore_forming Fluids in Carboniferous Exhalation_Sedimentary Massive Sulfide Deposits of Tongling District, Anhui Province
Abstract:Geological evidence and isotopic data reveal that the bedded sulfide deposits ho sted in the bottom of the Carboniferous Formation in Tongling district are relat ed to submarine hydrothermal activities and belong to the exhalation_sedimentary massive sulfide type. Seawater provided sulfur and the underlying Paleozoic For mation provided metals for mineralization. On the basis of the above understandi ng, a genetic model has been established. Numerical simulation of the migration of ore_forming fluids shows that fluid activity and heat_disturbed area in the l ying wall rock were confined to a small area around the main draining passage, w hich led to weak mineralization and alteration in the footwall rock. Due to such factors as temperature and fluid fields, the mineralization and alteration in the footwall rock of exhalation_sedimentary deposits are frequently weaker th an those of volcano_hosted massive sulfide deposits. Tensional contemporaneous f aults accompanied by strong heat flow control the formation and distribution of the exhalation_sedimentary deposits. Tensional tectonic regime on the northern m argin of Yangtze block in Hercynian period provided exhalation_sedimentary depos its with a favorable geodynamic condition.
keywords:geochemistry, exhalation_sedimentary deposit, genetic model, fluid dynamics, Tongling
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