引用本文:.2004.Genesis of Meng'entaolegai Ag_Pb_Zn_In Polymetallic Deposit in Inner Mongolia [J].Mineral Deposits,23(1):52~60
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朱笑青;张 乾;何玉良;邵树勋 中国科学院地球化学研究所矿床地球化学重点实验室 
中文摘要:文章从地质特征及地球化学特征方面论证了孟恩陶勒盖矿床的成因。 地质特征显示该矿床的形成与花岗岩之间不存在成因联系,矿床相对于岩浆岩围岩是后成的 ,花岗岩及断裂构造只是为矿床提供了储存空间。矿床地球化学特征显示该矿床的成因与可 能位于深部的燕山期岩浆活动有关,成矿元素及硫主要来自岩浆,成矿流体以岩浆水为主。 因此该矿床属于岩浆热液型多金属矿床。
中文关键词:地质学  地质特征  地球化学特征  矿床成因  富铟多金 属矿床  孟恩陶勒盖  内蒙古
Genesis of Meng'entaolegai Ag_Pb_Zn_In Polymetallic Deposit in Inner Mongolia
Abstract:The Meng'entaolegai polymetallic deposit located in the center of a granitic bat holith is controlled by EW_trending faults. The major useful elements of the dep osit are silver, lead and zinc, with rich indium, tin and cadmium. Its geologica l characteristics show that there exists no genetic correlation between the depo sit and the granites. The deposit was formed later than the granites. The granit es and faults provided only room for the orebodies. The δ34S values are - 1.7‰ to +4.6‰, indicating that sulfur was derived from the magmatism. The ore- forming fluid must have come from the magmatic differentiation in the light of t he H-O isotopic compositions. The lead isotopic compositions of all related rock s and ores indicate that lead in ores has no relationship with the Hercynian gra nite, the Yanshanian granite and the Precambrian basement metamorphic rocks, and it has the same source as sulfur. Although the geological features of the depos it are somewhat similar to those of the orogen_type deposits, its geochemical fe atures imply that its origin is related to other deep_seated magmatism. During t he mineralization, the Huolinhe regional fault acted as the channel for the migr ation of ore-forming fluids from the depth, and the EW-trending faults served as room for the settling of orebodies.
keywords:geology, geological characteristics, geochemical features, origin of the deposit, indium_rich polymetallic deposit, Meng'entaolegai, Inner Mongolia
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