引用本文:.2003.Porphyries and Porphyry Copper Deposits in Zhongdian Area,Northwestern Yunnan[J].Mineral Deposits,22(4):393~400
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Author NameAffiliation
曾普胜,莫宣学,喻学惠,侯增谦,徐启东,王海平,李红,杨朝志 中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所 
中文摘要:在较为详细的野外地质观测和精确的同位素测年的基础上,结合前人资料,将中甸地区的印支期岛弧斑岩体分为东、西两个斑岩带,东斑岩带形成于218~203 Ma;西斑岩带形成于242.92~237.5 Ma。喜马拉雅期(53.02 Ma)斑岩叠加于早期的斑岩体之上,与斑岩铜矿化关系密切。中甸地区岛弧带内东、西两个斑岩带的斑岩型铜矿找矿远景极大,尤以东斑岩带前景最佳,普朗斑岩铜矿床远景规模在大型以上。中甸斑岩铜矿将成为我国又一重要的斑岩铜(多金属)矿产地。
中文关键词:地质学  斑岩  斑岩铜矿  大型矿床  中甸  滇西北
Porphyries and Porphyry Copper Deposits in Zhongdian Area,Northwestern Yunnan
Abstract:Based on detailed geological observation and precise dating of porphyries in combination with data available, the authors hold that the Indosinian porphyries in the Zhongdian island arc zone can be divided into two parts,i.e.,the eastern porphyry belt formed during 218~203 Ma and the western porphyry belt formed during 242.92~237.5 Ma. The Himalayan (53.02 Ma) porphyries are superimposed upon the Indosinain Porphyries and seem to be closely related to copper mineralization. In the Zhongdian island arc zone, both the eastern porphyry belt and the western porphyry belt are of great potential in search for porphyry copper deposits. The Pulang porphyry copper deposit is of gigantic size in resource potential. Therefore, the Zhongdian porphyry copper deposit is likely to become an important base area of copper_polymetallic resources in China.
keywords:geology, porphyries, porphyry copper deposit, large-size ore deposit, Zhongdian, northwestern Yunnan
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