引用本文:.2002.Indicator Elements of Water Dispersion Halos and Their Zoning in 330 Uranium Deposits[J].Mineral Deposits,21(3):292~297
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Author NameAffiliation
陈贤春 广东省核工业地质局 
基金项目:核工业华南地质局 “下庄矿田水异常判别研究”项目(92_49_05_01)
中文关键词:花岗岩型铀矿  水分散晕  指示元素分带性
Indicator Elements of Water Dispersion Halos and Their Zoning in 330 Uranium Deposits
Abstract:The rational appraisal of water anomalies is a key technology in the radioactive hydrogeochemical prospecting. Based on radioactive hydrogeochemical prospecting theory, utilizing the relationship between water anomalous halos and uranium mineralization in the granitic hydrothermal uranium deposit, and adopting R type successive cluster analysis method, the authors arranged the hydrogeochemical materials of 330 deposits in the north of the Xiazhuang orefield and its periphery, and preliminarily discussed the composition of the indicator elements in water dispersion halos of the uranium deposit and their zoning. It is considered that the indicator elements of water dispersion halos in such a deposit consist of U, SO2-4, F-, M, Al3+, Mg2+, Cr, Ni, Mo, Pb, As, Bi, Mn etc., which also exhibit zonation.
keywords:Granite-type uranium deposit, water dispersion halo, zoning of indicator elements
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