引用本文:.2000.Genetic interpretation of Li-F-Rich rare metal-bearing granites in south China[J].Mineral Deposits,19(4):376~385
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Author NameAffiliation
李福春, 朱金初, 金章东 南京大学地球科学系 
中文关键词:雪球结构  α-石英  稀有金属  花岗岩  华南
Genetic interpretation of Li-F-Rich rare metal-bearing granites in south China
Abstract:The mode of occurrence of snow ball texture, the electron microprobe analysis of albite from quartz and K-feldspar phenocrysts as well as other evidence suggest that the snow ball texture might have been generated during the crystallization of magmatic melt. The formation of snowball texture was closely related to the Na2O/K2O ratio as well as the fluorine and H2O content of the granitic melt. The relative high Na2O/K2O ratio (> 1) probably caused the first crystallization of albite. The increase of fluorine content might have resulted in the decrease of solidus temperature and benefited the evolution of magma and the formation of K-feldspar and albite approximately with end-member composition. Comparatively high content of H2O was favorable for the faster growth of quartz than albite. Finally, the quartz phenocrysts which contained albite laths might form snow ball texture. Snow ball texture, together with low melting temperature of the granites, euhedral U= type quartz phenocrysts as well as K- feldspar and albite approximately with end-member composition, indicates that L-F- rich rare metal-bearing granites in South China were directly crystallized from the peraluminous F-N a- rich residual granitic melt.
keywords:snow ball texture, α-type quartz, rare metal granite, South China
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