引用本文:.1999.Hydrogen, oxygen, strontium and sulfur isotopic geochemistry and potash-forming material sources of Lop Salt Lake, Xinjiang[J].Mineral Deposits,18(3):268~275
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Author NameAffiliation
刘成林,王弭力,焦鹏程 中国地质科学院矿床地质研究所 
中文关键词:盐湖  稳定同位素  钾矿物质来源  新疆罗布泊
Hydrogen, oxygen, strontium and sulfur isotopic geochemistry and potash-forming material sources of Lop Salt Lake, Xinjiang
Abstract:Plenty of brine exists in Upper Quaternary and Holocene salt strata of Luobei depression, Lop I.ake, Xinjiang. The brine is rich in potassium, whose average content is l.40% (KCl), higher than the industrial tenor of l%. The brine-hosting matter is mainly glauberite characterized by well-developed pores. Nevertheless, the conditions seem to be different from the general formation regularity of potash deposits: potash deposits were formed before the crystallization and precipitation of large quantities of halite as a result of the evaporation of brine. Based on a comparative study of hydrogen, oxygen and sulfur and strontium isotopes of underground brine and saline minerals in Tarim and Qaidam basins, it is considered that (l) the K-rich brine of Luobei depression originated from surface water, mainly from the rivers distributed over the south and north margins of Tarim basin, (2) sulfur and potassium and other elements of brine were derived from gypsum and glauberite and halite deposits and ancient brine in Cenozoic strata distributed in South Tianshan Mountains and the northwestern and southwestern parts of Tarim basin. The western part of Tarim basin was elevated while the eastern part, especially Lop Lake, subsided during Quaternary. Some of these strata were dissolved and lots of potash-forming materials were eventually brought into Lop lake. As a result, the background contents of potassium and sulfur in lake water are relatively high, and potash deposits were formed during the crystallization and deposition of glauberite through the evaporation of the lake water.
keywords:Lop lake in Xinjiang, salt lake, stable isotopes, sources of the potash-forming materials
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