引用本文:.1999.Genesis of sulfide inclusions in iron-rich sphalerite from hydrothermal vein-type lead-zinc-silver deposits[J].Mineral Deposits,18(3):244~252
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Author NameAffiliation
黄典豪 中国地质科学院矿床地质研究所 
中文关键词:铅-锌-银-矿床  富铁闪锌矿  硫化物包裹体特征  成因探讨
Genesis of sulfide inclusions in iron-rich sphalerite from hydrothermal vein-type lead-zinc-silver deposits
Abstract:Sphalerite from Pb-Zn deposits of various genetic types often contains sulfide inclusions that occur in different forms of intergrowths. The study of the genesis of sulfide inclusions is of great significance to the understanding of the crystallization sequence of ore minerals and the ore-forming process. According to the features of sulfide inclusions in sphalerite and the electron microprobe analyses of sphalerites near inclusions from three hydrothermal vein-type Pb-Zn-Ag deposits (Caijiaying, Sandaogou and Qingda) and one Ag deposit (Xiazhai), the author comes to the conclusion that iron-rich sphalcrite (host mineral) has a large number of sulfide inclusions: the emulsion drop-like chalcopyrites densely existent along the growth zones or host minerals were formed by coprecipitation of chakopyrite and iron-rich sphalerite, while the coarser chalcopyrite inclusions in the eimulsion drop-like chalcopyrites are recrysiallization products. The emulsion drop-like chalcopyrites along both sides of chalcopyrite or quartz veinlets cutting host minerals and those near the contact of iron-rich sphalerite corroded by coarse chalcopyrite are considered to be products of permeation and replacement by cupreous solution. A great variety of pyrrhotites distributed in cleavages (cracks) .intergrains or grains of host minerals were formed by filling-metasomatism. Arsenopyrite veinlets in cleavages of host minerals belong to filling-replacement product. The lamellar or emulsion drop-like chalcopyrites and pyrrhotite laths distributed in cleavages of host minerals resulted from filling-metahomatism of the solution that containcd the two sorts of mineral components, and when pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite coexisted in the same lath-like inclusion, the former was corroded by chacopyrite. At the same time, the varieties of su1fide inclusions of ironrich sphalerite are intimately related to ore mineral assemblages of the studied ore deposits.
keywords:Pb-Zn-Ag deposit, iron-rich sphalerite, features of sulfide inclusions, genesis
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