引用本文:.1998.Fractal dimension structure of copper grade in Dexing porphyry body, Jiangxi Province[J].Mineral Deposits,17(4):363~368
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金章东 南京大学成矿作用国家重点实验室 
Fractal dimension structure of copper grade in Dexing porphyry body, Jiangxi Province
Abstract:Through fractal study of copper grade in Tongchang porphyry body by using the principles and methiods of fractal geometry, it is known that the distribution of copper grades in seven drill holes is of self-rescmblance. The fractal dimension (D) of copper grade in the northwesern part is higher than that in the southeastern part of the porphyry body, and there are dual fractal dimension structures in the northwestern part. Combined with the attitude of the porphyry body and localities of porphyry copper orebodies, the fractal dimension (D) can provide some quantitative information for the distribution of ore grades affected by intrusive orientation of porphyry magma, direction of ore fluid migration and infiltration of copper and other ore materials from wall rocks. Data obtained show that copper in Tongchang porphyry body came mainly from intermediate-acid magma, with merely a small portion from wall rocks (concentrated exclusively in the lower low-grade part of the hanging wall of the porphyry body),and that the higher the D value of the copper grade, the more favorable the ore-forming conditions, and the larger the orebodies.
keywords:fractal, porphyry body, copper grade, Dexing
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