引用本文:.1994.Computer simulation of heat and fluid transport in the ore-forming process of the Jinduicheng porphyry molybdenum deposit, Shaanxi province[J].Mineral Deposits,13(1):88~95
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Author NameAffiliation
任启江 ,郭国章,冯祖钧,方长泉,解晓军 南京大学地球科学系 
中文关键词:斑岩钼矿  热及流体传输  有限元  计算模拟
Computer simulation of heat and fluid transport in the ore-forming process of the Jinduicheng porphyry molybdenum deposit, Shaanxi province
Abstract:On the basis of detailed studies on the geological setting, ore-forming process and ore-bearing fissure systems of the Jinduicheng porphyry molybdenum deposit, Shaanxi Province, the geological conceptual model and distribution pattern of permeability have been established for the Jinduicheng deposits.According to the law of conservation of mass, momentum and energy, a set of governing differential equations representing transport phenomena of heat and fluid during the ore-forming process have been proposed. The distribution patterns of stream function and temperature are obtained through the numerical solution to these equations by using the finite element method, and Darcy velocity and heat flux can be further calculated. The results of the study show: (1)The hydrothermal system has a temperature gradient as high as 100℃ to 120℃per kilometer. The heat anomaly may last over n×105 years, which is comparable with the active geothermal system in the modern volcanic areas. (2)As porphyry stocks connect with a batholith at depth,the temperature field is controlled mainly by the batholiths. (3)The distribution patterns of stream function and Darcy velocity are dependent on the permeability of wall rocks, and the orebodies are located in the area which has the largest velocity and the highest density of stream function. (4)The distribution patterns of Darcy velocity and stream function are related to the shape and mode of occurrence of the intrusive body. In the vicinity of the orebodies, the Darcy velocity changed obviously during the ore-forming process. This mainly resulted from the variation in permeabilifies of rocks. In comparison with the previous similar work, this study has the following Features: (1)The geological model and the distribution pattern are established on the basis of the studies on large quantities of geological data. (2)The selection of parameters and the calculation results have been examined by the observation data of modern active geothermal systems. (3)For the simulation of heat and fluid transport, the variation in permeability in space and time and the disparity in physical features of rocks have been considered. (4)The Ritz and Galerkin methods have been applied in the finite elemerit analysis. The computational programs are easily understandable and are also ready to be modified and enlarged. In addition, the structure of the programs is very clear. All the computer results are output in the way of contour diagrams, including streamline map, isothermal map and Darcy velocity distribution map.
keywords:porphyry molybdenum deposit, heat and fluid transport, finite element, computer simulation
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