引用本文:.1993.Adularia-an important indicator mineral of syngenetic origin for stratiform mineralization at the Dachang tin-polymetallic deposit[J].Mineral Deposits,12(4):330~337
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Author NameAffiliation
韩发,沈建忠,R W哈钦森 中国地质科学院矿床地质研究所 
中文关键词:(钡)冰长石  成岩作用  大厂锡矿床
Adularia-an important indicator mineral of syngenetic origin for stratiform mineralization at the Dachang tin-polymetallic deposit
Abstract:K-feldspars are widespread i n rocks of the Dachang tin-polymetallic ore field and occur in the stratiform, bedded ores. Current data indicate that the K-feldspars are a low-temperature variety, corresponding to adularia or hyalophane. Microscopic studies show that many of these K-feldspar grains have the distinctive lozenge shapes, characteristic of adularia. Their longer diagonal corresponds to the optical orientation of Ng, like that of typical adularia. Studies of five grains on the Fedorov Stage indicate that this adularia has smaller optical angles, (-)2V ranging from 10 to 14 degrees, thus is obviously different from orthoclase. X-ray analyses show it to be monoclinic, and its powder diffraction data are similar to those of adularia as described in the literature. Two samples were studied to determine its structural state. The results show that the site occupancies of aluminum in the lattice are t1(o)= t1 (m)=0.330 and 0.365, and degrees of Si-AI ordering are S=0.25 and 0.40, respectively. Its paragenetic relationships and spatial and temporal distribution in the ore-bearing strata indicate that it may have formed during a digenetic stage of deposition. Microprobe analyses of adularia coexisting with sulfide and cassiterite in thin mineralized layers of the stratiform ores reveal that the former contain high contents of BaO, up to 4.75%, thus indicating hyalophane, and the latter have no significant BaO content. These data, including the identification of very low-temperature K-feldspars, their optical and crystallographic characteristics and high barium content provide important new evidence favoring a sedimentary exhalative-diagenetic origin for stratiform mineralization in the Dachang tin-polymetallic field.
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