引用本文:.1990.A tentative discussion on the relationship of faulting to mineralization in the 633-2 uranium deposit[J].Mineral Deposits,9(4):363~370
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Author NameAffiliation
蒋荣辉,谭亚辉 核工业第六研究所 
中文关键词:矿床构造  叠加断裂  叠加成矿
A tentative discussion on the relationship of faulting to mineralization in the 633-2 uranium deposit
Abstract:This paper deals with the relation of faulting to mineralization in the 633-2 uranium deposit. Based on dynamic theory of geologic structure and viewpoint of polystage superimposed mineralization, the authors, using Mohr’s theory of mechnical strength, finite element method,stereographic projection and mathematical statistics, not only made an theoretical analysis of ore-forming tectonic stress field and superimposed faulting,but performed numerical calculation for superimposed mineralization intensity of different ore-forming stages as well.The results obtained show that obvious spatial and temporal relationship between faulting and mineralization does exist in the 633-2 uranium deposit. In the ore-forming process, the previously-formed faults produced three times of superimposed faulting, accompanied by three times of superimposed mineralization; mineralization intensity depended largely on the properties and types of superimposed faults, and spatial distribution of orebodies was decided by tectonic stress field at the ore-forming stage and eharacteristics of ore-bearing faults.
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