引用本文:.1990.Genetic relationship of supergiant diamond deposits, phosphorite deposits, oil-gas fields and oil shale deposits to carbonaceous Chondrite planetesimals[J].Mineral Deposits,9(3):279~286
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Author NameAffiliation
柳志青 浙江大学 
中文关键词:碳质球粒陨石  金刚石    石油  油页岩  超大型矿床
Genetic relationship of supergiant diamond deposits, phosphorite deposits, oil-gas fields and oil shale deposits to carbonaceous Chondrite planetesimals
Abstract:Based on a study of the origin of the solar system, the author believes that there exists genetic relations hip of supergiant diamond deposits, phosphorite deposits, oil-gas fields and oil shale deposits with carbonaceous chondrite planetesimals. Carbonaceous chondrite planetesimals were。Adsorbed on the mantIe surface of the primitive earth, forming primitive carbon-rich areas. After the formation of the crust, the lithosphere in the carbon-rich areas was not homogenized by the convection of the asthenosphere, and carbonaceous substances were accumulated to form diamond within the depth of 155-250km. With the emplacement of kimberlitic and potash-magnesian lamprophyric magma, diamond was brought into the upper crust, forming diamond deposits. In carbon-rich areas, ultrabasic rooks-alkalic rocks-carbonate phosphorus-rich Complexes as well as supergiant and large-sized phosphorte deposits were also formed beside diamond deposits. The phosphorus-rich complexes provided not only minerogenic materials for the formation of supergiant phosphorite deposits, but also mineral nutrients for the propagation of oil-forming biota, thus creating material prerequisite for the formation of supergiant oil-gas and oil shale deposits. Under the condition of high temperatures the organic substances in carbonaceons chondrite were combined into and gases, which were confined to the upper mantle but entered oil-bearing structures wherever the structural conditions were favorable, hence stimulating the formation of giant oil-gas fields. The presence of supergiant ore deposits is a manifestation of lateral non-uniformity of ore-forming materials in the lithosphere.
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