引用本文:.1989.Characteristics and genetic series of stratabound lead-zinc and pyrite ore deposits in Devonian strata of Nanling region[J].Mineral Deposits,8(1):39~50
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Author NameAffiliation
刘文均 成都地质学院 
中文关键词:南岭  泥盆系  层控矿床  成因类型  成因系列
Characteristics and genetic series of stratabound lead-zinc and pyrite ore deposits in Devonian strata of Nanling region
Abstract:There occur lots of stratabound lead-zinc and pyrite ore deposits in Devonian strata of Nanling region. No matter whether intrusive bodies are existent or not within them, these deposits are controlled spatially by similar stratigraphic horizons, lithofacies, and tectonic positions and show both distinction a nd connection in such aspects as forms and modes of occurrence of orebodies, ore composition, textures and structltres, minor elements, S, Pb, O, C,H isotope composition and inclusion components which all reflect genetic characteristics of these deposits, suggesting an obvious sequential evolution relationship. These charactersitics fully demonstrate their differences in sources of metaltogenie materials and solutions, ore-forming styles and metallogenic epochs. In view of the fact that ores and wall rocks have the same genesis, the author, based on the relation between the evolutionary stages of tile basin and tile metallogenic processes as well as oil the above characteristics, has grouped these deposits into four genetic types, namely diagenetic, diagenetic-epigenetic superimposed and mixed hydrothermal ore deposits. They are transitional ore deposit types connected to and progressively evolved into each other between the two end members of sedimentary deposits and magmatm hydrothermal deposits, and were formed under the condition of identical controlling factors and similar ore-forming material sources, migration and emplacement mechanism, thus belonging to the same genetic series, i. e., genetic series of stratabound ore deposits.
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