引用本文:.1986.Mineralization And Alteration Zoning Of The Baotan Tin Ore Field And Its Significance[J].Mineral Deposits,5(4):63~70
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洗柏琪 广西壮族自治区地质研究所 
Mineralization And Alteration Zoning Of The Baotan Tin Ore Field And Its Significance
Abstract:The present paper describes the characteristics of mineralization and alteration zoning of a late Proterozoic tin ore field in South China old land. The zonation is a product of Xuefengian granite magma and its postmagmatic hydrothermal activities. Around the granite body there can be recognized and contact tin (tungsten) mineralization-greisenization and tourmalinization zone, adjacent exocontact tin mineralization-tourmalinization and silicification zone, and distant exocontact tin-polymetallic mineralization-chloritization and silicification zone. The width and intensity of these mineralization and alteration zones are related to the co且vex or concave shape of the top of the ore-forming granite body. The superimposition of mineralization and alteration resulting from multistage pulsation has frequently given birth to rich ore sectors with comparatively complex components. Therefore, a study of the hydrothermal alterations may help to determine the convex or concave shape of the top of the parent rock, and the convex positions might be selected as favorable sites to perform ore prospecting; Based on "altered island , the convex location and buried depth of the concealed granite can be judged and, consequently, different types of tin deposits should be sought for at different places; Through an investigation into mineralization and alteration assemblages, ore-forming stages may be distinguished and rich orebodies are likely to be found at the superimposition positions of multistage hydrothermal fluids. As for the shallowly denuded stanniferous granite, the larger its size is and the more convexes or apophyses it contains, the more opportunities we have to find orebodies.
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