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Studies of Minerogenetic Epoch of Gold Mineralization Belt in Daoyaoshan Area[Abstract][PDF]

Evolution Character of Ore-Forming Fluid of Nonferrous and Precious Metal Ore Belt, in Keketale, Xinjiang[Abstract][PDF]

The Important Significance of Alkali-Metasomatic Rock Studies[Abstract][PDF]

Experimental Study of the Earth Interior Processes Using Hydrothermal Diamond Anvil Cell[Abstract][PDF]

Age and Geochemical Characteristics of Alkali-Feldspar Granite of Hot-Sea Geothermal Field in Tengchong, Yunnan Province, China[Abstract][PDF]

Geological Metallogenesis of Active Hydrothermal Fluid in Tengchong, Yunnan Province, China[Abstract][PDF]

Sulfur and Lead Isotopic Features of the Mazhuangshan Gold Deposit in Hami District, Xinjiang, China[Abstract][PDF]

New Isotopic Tracers for Hydrothermal Mineralization and Ore Genesis Studies and Direct Dating Methods of Ore Deposits[Abstract][PDF]

Mass Balance, Volume Change and Fluid Flow in the Jinshan Glod Deposit, Jiangxi Province[Abstract][PDF]

Helium Isotope Measurement of Fluid Inclusions and Its Geological Applications[Abstract][PDF]

Research on Relationships Between Metamorphic Anatexis and Petrogenesis-Mineralizations[Abstract][PDF]

Metallogenetic Physical Chemistry and Matter Source of Rich-Gold Porphyry Ore Systems in Neighbouring Area of Zhejiang-Jiangxi-Anhui Provinces[Abstract][PDF]

On the Characteristies of Fluid Inclusions in the Xiaoqinling Gold Deposits[Abstract][PDF]

Characteristics of Fluid Inclusion and Their Implications for Origin of Gold and Gold-Bearing Copper Deposits from Huanglishu Area,Anhui Province, China[Abstract][PDF]

Effect of Series Mineralization of Mantle Fluid Metasomatism[Abstract][PDF]

Isotopic Geochemical Features of Sawaya’erdun Gold Deposit, Xinjiang[Abstract][PDF]

Synthesis of Hydrothermal Metallogenesis in Xiaoqinling Orogenic Gold Field[Abstract][PDF]

Preliminary Study on Fluid Inclusions of Bayan Obo Carbonate Vein-Like Bodies[Abstract][PDF]

Material Sources of Granite and Ore in Xianghualing Mult-metal Orefield, Hunan Province[Abstract][PDF]

A Study on Magmatic Segregation of Sulfide Liquids in Magma Chamber of Jinbaoshan PGE Deposit[Abstract][PDF]

Using Helium Isotope Composition of Fluids to Study Regional Thermal Background of Metallogenetic Belt[Abstract][PDF]

Geochemical Constraint on Ore Fluid from Fluorite in Qinglong Antimony Deposit, South-Western Guizhou[Abstract][PDF]

Geothermal Release Structures and Hydrothermal Alterations in Geothermal District of Tengchong, Yunnan Province, China[Abstract][PDF]

Preliminary Discussion on Geological Fluid Structures of Ore Deposits[Abstract][PDF]

Study of Metallic Fluid of Caijiaying Pb-Zn-Ag Deposit[Abstract][PDF]

Study on Minor Elements Geochemistry in jianchaling large cobalt-Bearing Sulfide nickel deposit[Abstract][PDF]

Study of Tectonic-Fluid System in Tongling, Anhui Province[Abstract][PDF]

Characteristics and Genesis of No.1 Gold Body in Jinchang,Heilongjiang[Abstract][PDF]

Contribution of Magmatic Fluids to Ore Forming of Dengjiashan Cu-Au Deposit in Middle-Lower Reaches of Yangtze River[Abstract][PDF]

Discussion About Mantle Mineralizing Based on Characteristics of Silicate Glass Composition in Mantle Rock[Abstract][PDF]

Sulfide Assemblages in Mantle Xenoliths of East China[Abstract][PDF]

Ore-forming Fluids Characteristics in Lanping Basin,Yunnan: Restricted by O- and C-Isotope Composition[Abstract][PDF]

Green-Rock and Carbonate Construction Formed by Hot-Water Sedimentation in Fozichong Lead-Zinc Ore Field[Abstract][PDF]

Charcteristics of Ore-Forming Fluids of Gold Deposits in Western Part of South Tianshan, Xinjiang[Abstract][PDF]

Study of Fluid Inclusions of Yindongpo Gold Deposit[Abstract][PDF]

Regional-Scale Fluid System and Its Mineralization in Tongling Ore-Cluster-Area, Anhui[Abstract][PDF]

Short-Chain Carboxylates in High-Temperature W-Sn Ore Fluids in Southern Part of Jiangxi Province, China[Abstract][PDF]

Geochemical Characteristics of Trace Elements in Depths of Hetai Ductile Shear Zone Gold Deposit[Abstract][PDF]

Advances in Fluid Inclusions and Enlightenments of Fluid Inclusions Investigation for Understanding Hydrothermal Ore Deposit[Abstract][PDF]

Investigations of Influx of Deep Fluids Carring Metal to Earth Cust and Its Experiments Study[Abstract][PDF]

Study on the Fluid Inclusions of Jiwozi Gold Deposit in Xinjiang[Abstract][PDF]

Sulfur Isotope Geochemistry of Yao’an Gold Deposit[Abstract][PDF]

Fluid Inclusion Characteristics of Jinshan Gold Deposit in West Qinling District and Its Geological Significance[Abstract][PDF]

Rb-Sr Isochron Age of Keketuohai No.3 Pegmatite[Abstract][PDF]

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