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Mineral Resources Status in China and Strategy for Sustainable Supply[Abstract][PDF]

On Metallogenic Level[Abstract][PDF]

Mineralizations Controlled by Mantle Plume Tectonics[Abstract][PDF]

On More Possibilities of Looking for Gold Deposits Nearby Kimberlite Pipe[Abstract][PDF]

Metallogenic Characteristics of Precambrian Gold Deposits in China[Abstract][PDF]

Retrospect and Prospect of Study on Saline Lake Biology in China[Abstract][PDF]

Some Problems in Genesis Study on Lode-gold Deposits[Abstract][PDF]

On the Ways of Sustainable Development and Utilization of Mineral Resources for China in 21st Century: New Aspects of Mineral Deposit’s Study[Abstract][PDF]

Comprehensive Comparison of SEDEX and VHMS Deposits[Abstract][PDF]

Unconventional Mineral Resources Related to Natural nm-sized Minerals[Abstract][PDF]

Two Geodynamic Settings for Mineralization in Jiaodong Gold Metallogenetic Region[Abstract][PDF]

Theory and Practice of Mineral Resource Prognosis and Evaluation: from Research on “Sanjiang” Region,West-eastern China[Abstract][PDF]

Type,Distribution and Occurrence of Co-Rich Crusts in Western Pacific[Abstract][PDF]

Study on Anomalous Ore-forming Process[Abstract][PDF]

Database and Presentiment of Dynamic Changes of Key Saline Lakes in China[Abstract][PDF]

Approach to the Risks of “Going Abroad” Developing Foreign Mineral Resources[Abstract][PDF]

A Review on Metallogenic System[Abstract][PDF]

On Mineralization Related to Rodinia Supercontinent Cycle in Southeastern Margin of South China Block[Abstract][PDF]

Resource Economical Way Through Comprehensive Utilization of Coexisting and Accompanying Mineral Resources Save on Mineral Resources[Abstract][PDF]

Searching Super-large Copper Deposit with Emphasis on Study Ore and Regional Geology : Analyzing Resource Potentiality Middle Asia-Mongolia Porphyry Copper Belt[Abstract][PDF]

Posture and Suggest of Mineral Resources for Nonferrous Metals[Abstract][PDF]

Some Improving of Mineral Resource Appraise System (MRAS)[Abstract][PDF]

Discussion of the Infection of Manganese During Silver Mineralization and in Volcanic Type Silver Deposit[Abstract][PDF]

Geology and Ore-forming Environment of Kiruna-type Iron Deposits[Abstract][PDF]

Present Situation of Studying on Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits and Their Paleo-tectonic Settings[Abstract][PDF]

Copper Mineral Resources in Cordillera[Abstract][PDF]

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