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Zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages of granitoid rocks and molybdenite Re-Os age of Shedong W-Mo deposit in Cangwu County of Guangxi and its geological significance[Abstract][PDF]

LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating of granitoid intrusions related to iron-copper polymetallic deposits in Luonan-Lushi area of southern North China Craton and its geological implications[Abstract][PDF]

Application of melt inclusions to estimating ore-forming pressure (depth) of granite-related ore deposits[Abstract][PDF]

Rock types and genetic significance of hornfels and location prediction of concealed porphyry bodies in Jiama copper polymetallic deposit, Tibet[Abstract][PDF]

Molybdenite Re-Os isotopic age of Shapinggou Mo deposit in Anhui Province and Mesozoic Mo ore-forming stages in East Qinling-Dabie Mountain region[Abstract][PDF]

Characteristics and evolution of ore-forming fluids in Zhongbao tungsten deposit, Xinjiang[Abstract][PDF]

Molybdenite Re-Os isochron age of Yechangping Mo deposit in western Henan Province and its geological implications[Abstract][PDF]

Re-Os isotopic age of molybdenite from Xiatongling tungsten deposit, central Jiangxi Province, and its geological implications[Abstract][PDF]

Genesis of Daqiao gold deposit in Xihe County, Gansu Province[Abstract][PDF]

Fluid inclusion characteristics and metallogenic physicochemical conditions of Shenhe barium deposit, Shaanxi Province[Abstract][PDF]

Re-Os isotopic dating of molybdenite from Dajishan tungsten deposit in Jiangxi Province[Abstract][PDF]

SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating and sulfur isotope compositions of Nianzigou molybdenum deposit in Inner Mongolia and their geological significance[Abstract][PDF]

Disscussion on the metallogenesis of Bushveld magmatic Cu-Ni-PGE sulphide deposit in South Africa[Abstract][PDF]

Geological characteristics and prospecting potential of Gaerqiong copper-gold polymetallic deposit in Ali District, northern Tibet[Abstract][PDF]



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