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Discovery of magmatic nickel sulfide mineralizations in Bangong Lake-Nujiang metallogenic belt, Qinghai-Tibet plateau[Abstract][PDF]

Molybdenite Re-Os and SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating of Duobuza porphyry copper deposit in Tibet and its geological implications[Abstract][PDF]

Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isochron ages of Dongmozhazhua and Mohailaheng Pb-Zn ore deposits in Yushu area, southern Qinghai and their geological implications[Abstract][PDF]

40Ar/39Ar isotope ages of main geological bodies in Xio ngcun copper-gold deposit,Xietongmen County, Tibet, and their geological si gnificance[Abstract][PDF]

Geology and hydrogen, oxygen and carbon isotope geochemistry of Dongmozhaz hua Pb-Zn ore deposit, Yushu area, Qinghai Province[Abstract][PDF]

Geochemistry and Pb, Sr, Nd isotopic features of ore-bearing porphyries in Ban gong Lake porphyry copper belt, western Tibet[Abstract][PDF]

Provenance nature and basement background of nickel-sulfide-bearing ultrabasi c rocks in Bangong Lake island arc zone, Tibet[Abstract][PDF]

Regional metallogenic prognosis and mineral reserves estimation for porphyry c opper deposits in Gangdese polymetallic ore belt, Tibet[Abstract][PDF]

Iron metallogenic characteristics and prospecting potential of Beishan area, I nner Mongolia[Abstract][PDF]

Discovery of Dongjun lead-zinc-silver deposit in Inner Mongolia: An integrated application of geological, geochemical and geophysical prospecting methods[Abstract][PDF]

Aeromagnetic 3D inversion imaging for intermediate-acid intrusive bodies and its indication significance of deep ore prospecting in Tongling ore concentration district[Abstract][PDF]

Roles of fluid inclusions in study of mineral deposits[Abstract][PDF]



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