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A review of geological characteristics, spatiotemporal distribution and prospecting direction of iron deposits in Central Asian Orogenic Belt, Xinjiang[Abstract][PDF]

Age of ore-bearing strata of Xindie iron deposit in Taxkorgan of West Kunlun and its geological significance[Abstract][PDF]

Geochronology and geochemistry of Longwen skarn-type iron-tin deposit in eastern Guangdong[Abstract][PDF]

Study on mineralogy and Nd isotope of Baishanquan iron deposit in East Tianshan, NW China[Abstract][PDF]

1∶10 000 helicopter aeromagnetic survey and prospecting clues in Taxkorgan iron metallogenic belt, Xinjiang[Abstract][PDF]

Geochronology evidence of Cretaceous mineralization in Akeshayi Fe-polymetallic prospect district and its significance for prospecting[Abstract][PDF]

Magmatic evolution and mineralization of Xiaohaizi complex in Bachu County, Xinjiang: Constraints from geochronology and geochemistry[Abstract][PDF]


Discovery of cryptoexplosive breccia-type ore bodies and its prospecting significance in Bangpu porphyry Mo (Cu) polymetallic deposit, Xizang[Abstract][PDF]

Geochronology and geological significance of newly discovered granitoid dikes in Chigou Cu-Mo deposit, Shaanxi Province[Abstract][PDF]

S-Pb-C-O isotope characteristics and constraints on genesis of Laodonggou gold polymetallic deposit of Beishan metallogenic belt[Abstract][PDF]

Genesis and prospecting potential of Yangchang phosphorus deposit in northeastern Yunnan Province[Abstract][PDF]

Application of 3D seismic and gravity survey in solid potash exploration in Simao Basin, Southwest China[Abstract][PDF]

Relationship between porphyry tin deposit and ore-bearing subvolcanic rocks: Geochronological evidence from Llallagua tin deposit in Bolivian tin belt[Abstract][PDF]

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