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Metallogeny in Middle-Lower Yangtze River Ore Belt: Advances and problems remained[Abstract][PDF]

Recent progress in study of enrichment mechanism of tellurium, selenium and thallium from oxidized gold-rich porphyry-skarn deposits[Abstract][PDF]

New discovery of extraordinary enrichment of selenium in Dingtoushan Pb-Zn deposit, Qinglong City, Guizhou Province, and its geological significance[Abstract][PDF]

Progress and prospective of experimental research on iron oxide apatite ore deposits[Abstract][PDF]

A new metallogenic model and its significance in search for Zn-Pb deposits in Fengtai (Fengxian-Taibai) polymetallic ore concentration area, Shannxi Province[Abstract][PDF]

Some problems involving in petrogenesis and metallogenesis of granite-related tin deposits[Abstract][PDF]

Effect of gypsum layer for formation of Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide deposits: A case of Noril'sk ores, Russia[Abstract][PDF]

Trace element geochemistry of scheelites from Yongping Cu-W deposit in Jiangxi: Implications for ore genesis[Abstract][PDF]

Caledonian tungsten deposits in Dayaoshan area of South China[Abstract][PDF]

A technology for identifying Li-Be pegmatite using ASTER remote sensing data in granite of Gobi shallow-covered area: A case study of recognition and prediction of Li-Be pegmatite in Jingerquan, Xinjiang[Abstract][PDF]

Banded iron formations: Their characteristics, genesis and implications for ancient Earth's environment[Abstract][PDF]

Molybdenite Re-Os gochronology and isotope geochemical characteristics of Xigou molybdenum deposit in Shaanxi Province and its geological significance[Abstract][PDF]

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