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Geological characteristics and formation mechanism of breccias in Herenping gold deposit, western Hunan Province[Abstract][PDF]

In situ sulfur isotopic composition analysis of Au-bearing pyrites by using Nano-SIMS in Yangshan gold deposit, Gansu Province[Abstract][PDF]

Sulfur and lead isotopic compositions of granitoids and fluid inclusions in Baoshan deposit, Hunan Province[Abstract][PDF]

Geochronology, geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic compositions of granite porphyry in Leimengou Mo deposit, western Henan Province[Abstract][PDF]

Progress in research on fluid inclusions within opaque minerals in hydrothermal ore deposits[Abstract][PDF]

Geological characteristics and prospecting direction of Wolongshan strontium deposit in Lishui area,Jiangsu Province[Abstract][PDF]

Mineralogical characteristics of Taoke Cu-Ni sulfide deposit in Shandong Province and its indications for metallogenic genesis[Abstract][PDF]

Zircon U-Pb chronology and geochemical characteristics of intrusive rocks in No. 258 Hill gold deposit, Heilongjiang Province[Abstract][PDF]

Skarn mineral characteristics of Batebakebulake iron deposit in Altay, Xinjiang, and their geological significance[Abstract][PDF]

Significance and characteristics of fluid inclusions in main gold deposits of Hatu metallogenic belt in western Junggar[Abstract][PDF]

Magmatic hydrothermal superimposition in Dajiangping S (Pb-Zn) deposit, Guangdong Province: Rb-Sr isochron age and sulfur isotope evidence[Abstract][PDF]

Spatial-temporal distribution, ore-controlling factors and prospecting potential of Mesozoic Mo, Cu deposits in East Qinling Mountains, Shaanxi Province[Abstract][PDF]

Characteristics of ore-forming fluids of Meiling copper-zinc (gold) deposit in Kalatage ore concentration area of East Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang, and their geological significance[Abstract][PDF]

Characteristics and geological significance of biotites in Jiama porphyry deposit system, Tibet[Abstract][PDF]

Re-Os isotope dating of molybdenite from Lianhuaxin Cu-Mo-W deposit in Xiushui County of Jiangxi Province and its geological significance[Abstract][PDF]





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