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勤耕耘勘查科研结硕果 劳万里学贯中西力创新——祝贺裴荣富院士从事地质工作70周年暨90华诞(代前言)[Abstract][PDF]


New recognized intellect for prospecting large-superlarge mineral deposits[Abstract][PDF]

Some problems concerning porphyry copper deposits in China’s mainland[Abstract][PDF]

Main genetic types and geological characteristics of iron-rich ore deposits in China[Abstract][PDF]

Paleozoic tectonics and its related endogenic metallogeny in Tianshan-Altay region[Abstract][PDF]

Metallogenic regularity and minerogenetic series of ore deposits in Inner Mongolia and adjacent areas[Abstract][PDF]

Geological features and origin of Zhaojinggou Nb-Ta deposit in Wuchuan County, Inner Mongolia[Abstract][PDF]

Mineral prospecting and its related approaches in Duocaima Pb-Zn deposit in Tuotuohe, Qinghai Province[Abstract][PDF]

Geology, exploration model and practice of Zijinshan ore concentrated area[Abstract][PDF]

Isotopic chronological studies of Dulong tin-zinc deposit in Yunnan Province[Abstract][PDF]

Research on metallogenic regulation of gold-rich deposits and features of metallogenetic structure in Huijiabao gold field, Southwest of Guizhou, China[Abstract][PDF]

Volcanic-plutonic complex, ore-forming rocks and their alterations in Tuwu porphyry Cu deposit of Xinjiang[Abstract][PDF]

Molybdenite Re-Os and sericite 40Ar-39Ar ages of Yinjiagou pyrite-polymetallic deposit in western Henan Province, and their geological significance[Abstract][PDF]

Hydrothermal evolution of gold-bearing pyrite and arsenopyrite from different types of gold deposits[Abstract][PDF]

Gravity and magnetic field features of East China Sea and their geological significance[Abstract][PDF]

Discussion on some problems related to prospecting breakthrough in Nanling region[Abstract][PDF]



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