
Other Issues:  


Metallogenic series of ore deposits related to Caledonian granitoids in Xiaohingganling region[Abstract][PDF]

Magmatic dynamics and its relations to metallization of diorites in Yueshan, Anhui Province[Abstract][PDF]

Chemical components zoning of ores in the Ashele copper-zinc deposit, Xinjiang, and its implication[Abstract][PDF]

Three-stage metallogenic model for gold deposits of metamorphosed fine-clastic rock type[Abstract][PDF]

A preliminary discussion on metallogenic series of gold and nonferrous metallic deposits in Hunan Province[Abstract][PDF]

Tectonic-hydrologic characteristics of the gold metallogenic belt along the northern margin of north China platform[Abstract][PDF]

New advances in the study of associated elements in lower Cambrian black shale of northwestern Hunan[Abstract][PDF]

Mineralogical chemistry and modes of occurrence of gold and silver in the Jinjiazhuang gold deposit, Hebei Province[Abstract][PDF]

Experimental geochemistry of interaction between hymid acids and Pb2+ (Zn2+)[Abstract][PDF]

A discussion on the quantitative discrimination of ore-forming material sources[Abstract][PDF]

Comagmatic complementary differentiation and metallogeny[Abstract][PDF]

Some problems concerning the formation of magmatic hyrrothermal deposits[Abstract][PDF]


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