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Sm-Nd isochronal age and trace element geochemistry characteristics of scheelite in Xingluokeng tungsten deposit, Fujian Province[Abstract][PDF]

Metallogenic mechanism of Fengshan ion adsorption REE deposit, southern Jiangxi Province[Abstract][PDF]

Geochemical characteristics of biotite from composite pluton and its implications for diagenesis and mineralization in Hongniu-Hongshan copper deposit, northwestern Yunnan[Abstract][PDF]

Skarn mineral charactersistics of Guanfang tungsten deposit and its geological significance, southeastern Yunnan Province, China[Abstract][PDF]

Geological and geochemical characteristics of Erentaolegai large-scale silver deposit, Inner Mongolia[Abstract][PDF]


New breakthrough in Taoxikeng quartz-vein type tungsten deposit and implications for the “stepped” exploration model[Abstract][PDF]

Spatio-temporal structure and prospecting of Dabu tungsten polymetallic ore field, Ganxian, Jiangxi Province[Abstract][PDF]

Discovery of quartz vein-type tungsten ore body in Chaishan deposit of Shizhuyuan ore field, South Hunan and its indication for deep prospecting[Abstract][PDF]

Fan-shaped case and exploration model of quartz vein-type tungsten polymetallic deposits[Abstract][PDF]

Metallogenic law and metallogenic prediction of Qitianling ore-concentrated area[Abstract][PDF]

Geochronology and geochemical characteristics of magmatic rocks and their relationship with mineralization in Taoxiba deposit, southern Jiangxi Province[Abstract][PDF]

Structure styles of scientific deep drilling in South Hunan and implications for regional metallogenic prediction[Abstract][PDF]


Phosphorus-Rare Earth Elements resources hosted in tailings of iron oxide-apatite deposit: Survey and comprehensive utilization study on Washan ore field, Anhui Province[Abstract][PDF]

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