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40Ar/39Ar isotopic dating of tin mineralization in Furong deposit of Hunan Province and its geological significance[Abstract][PDF]

Genetic types and framework model of Beiya gold ore district in western Yunnan[Abstract][PDF]

A genetic study of Xinlu_Shuiyanba W_Sn orefield, northeast Guangxi[Abstract][PDF]

A tentative study of ore geochemistry and ore_forming mechanism of Pulang porphyry copper deposit in Zhongdian, northwestern Yunnan[Abstract][PDF]

Re-Os isotopic ages of Tangjiaping molybdenum deposit in Shangcheng County,Henan and their geological significance[Abstract][PDF]

Formation conditions and control factors of thick Co-rich ferromanganese crusts[Abstract][PDF]

Geological characteristics of Tulargen magmatic Cu_Ni_Co deposit in eastern Xinjiang and its exploration direction[Abstract][PDF]

Discovery of Jiru porphyry copper deposit in Tibet and its significance[Abstract][PDF]

Sedimentation of glauberite and its effect on potash deposits formation in Lop Nur salt lake, Xinjiang,China[Abstract][PDF]

A tentative discussion on genesis of lead_zinc deposits in northwest Hunan[Abstract][PDF]

Mathematical modeling and estimation of reserves of typical structural altered rock type gold deposit[Abstract][PDF]

Ore resource prognosis and ore_prospecting targets in southern central Gangdise Range[Abstract][PDF]

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