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Geodynamic process and metallogeny: History and present research trend, with a special discussion on continental accretion and related metallogeny throughout geological history in South China[Abstract][PDF]

Geological characteristics and metallogenesis of Sawayaerdun gold deposit in southwest Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang[Abstract][PDF]

Fluid inclusion studies of Tongkeng_Changpo deposit in Dachang polymetallic tin orefield[Abstract][PDF]

Geological characteristics and tectonic settings of Paleozoic epithermal gold deposits in northern Xinjiang[Abstract][PDF]

Geological feature and mineralization epoch of Bailingshan iron deposit, Hami,Xinjiang, China[Abstract][PDF]

Isotope geochemical characteristics of auriferous quartz veins from medium and great depths of Xiaoqinling area, central China and their significance[Abstract][PDF]

Geological characteristics and mineralization epoch of Weiquan silver (copper) deposit, Hami, Xinjiang, China[Abstract][PDF]

PGE and trace element characteristics of copper mineralization in Emeishan basalts of Yunnan_Guizhou border area[Abstract][PDF]

Geology, distribution, types and tectonic settings of Mesozoic molybdenum deposits in East Qinling area[Abstract][PDF]

Fluid inclusion characteristics of Dachang gold deposit, Qinghai Province and their geological significance[Abstract][PDF]

K-Ar dating of altered clay minerals from Huize Pb-Zn deposit in Yunnan Province and its geological significance[Abstract][PDF]

Discussion on some problems concerning magmatic copper-nickel-PGE sulfide deposits[Abstract][PDF]

Distribution, characteristics and genesis of Mississippi Valley-Type lead_zinc deposits in Sichuan_Yunnan_Guizhou area[Abstract][PDF]

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