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Brief accounts of some famous Chinese geologists in the field of mineral deposits (2)[Abstract][PDF]

Metallogenic zoning of the Yinshan polymetallic ore deposit in Jiangxi province[Abstract][PDF]

Geological characteristics of copper metallization in the Jiujiang-Ruichang area, Jiangxi province[Abstract][PDF]

A tin deposit genetically related to submarine volcaniclastic rocks and ult ramafic rocks[Abstract][PDF]

Physical-chemical conditions and material sources for mineralizatl0n of the Yinyan porphyry tin deposit[Abstract][PDF]

A preliminary study on alteration zoning of the Yangchuling porphyry W-Mo deposit and its relationship to mineralization[Abstract][PDF]

Primordial depositional environment of the metamorphic rocks and its implications in uranium mineralization of 3075 area[Abstract][PDF]

Ore-prospecting criteria and discriminant model for kimberlite type diamonds[Abstract][PDF]

The prospect of potash search in the cretaceous-paleogene basins of eastern china as viewed from paleogeographical evolution[Abstract][PDF]

Petrological characteristics of coals in different metamorphic ranks in the Pingdingshan-Xingong coalfield, Henan province[Abstract][PDF]

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