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Thrust-controlled,sediments-hosted Pb-Zn-Ag-Cu deposits in eastern and northern margins of Tibetan orogenic belt:Geological features and tectonic model[Abstract][PDF]

Mianning-Dechang Himalayan REE belt associated with carbonatite-alkalic complex in eastern Indo-Asian collision zone,southwest China:Geological characteristics of REE deposits and a possible metallogenic model[Abstract][PDF]

Geochronology of REE deposits in Mianning-Dechang REE metallogenic belt:Constraints on duration of hydrothermal activities and tectonic model for carbonatite-alkalic complexes in southwestern Sichuan[Abstract][PDF]

Direct record of primary fluid exsolved from magma:Evidence from unidirectional solidification texture(UST)in quartz found in Qulong porphyry copper deposit,Tibet[Abstract][PDF]

Magmatic intrusion center and mineralization center of Qulong porphyry Cu-Mo deposit in Tibet:Evidence from fissure-veinlets and mineralization intensity[Abstract][PDF]

Characteristics of rutiles from Duobuza gold-rich porphyry copper deposit in Bangong Lake Belt of northern Tibet and their significance[Abstract][PDF]

Discussion on genetic type of Mayum gold deposit in Tibet[Abstract][PDF]

Mineralization of Dapingzhang massive sulfide copper-polymetallic deposit in Yunnan[Abstract][PDF]

Isotope geochemical evidence for ore-forming fluid resources in Hetaoping Pb-Zn deposit,Baoshan,northwestern Yunnan[Abstract][PDF]

Some insights and advances in study of Mississippi Valley-type(MVT)lead-zinc deposits[Abstract][PDF]


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