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A New Viewpoint on the Metallogenetic Epoch and Metallogenic Mechanism of the Gold Deposits in Western Chifeng Area[Abstract][PDF]

Biotite as A Tracer of Cu and Au Mineralization in Hypergene-Subvolcanic Plutons[Abstract][PDF]

A Preliminary Study on the Metallogenic Series Type of Fe-Cu-Pb-Zn Ore Deposits Related to Submarine Volcanism and Its Origin[Abstract][PDF]

The Gacun VHMS Deposit in Sichuan Province: from Chemical Analysis of Ores to Geochemical Model[Abstract][PDF]

The Pneumatothermal Fluid Leaching Metallogenic Mechanism of Felsic Cryptoexplosive Breccia -Examplified by No.6722 Uranium Deposit in South Jiangxi[Abstract][PDF]

Orogenic Gold IDeposits in the North Qaidam and East Kunlun Orogen, West China[Abstract][PDF]

Ore-control Structures and Ore Prospecting in the Qingchengzi Pb-Zn-Ag-Au Orefield, Liaoning Province[Abstract][PDF]

Distribution and Geological Characteristics of Silver Skarn Deposits in China[Abstract][PDF]

Lead and Sulfur Isotopic Studies of the Wenyu and the Dongchuang Quartz Vein Type Gold Deposits in Xiaoqinling Area, Henan and Shaanxi Provinces, Central China[Abstract][PDF]

The Prospecting for Gas Hydrate Offshore Chcina[Abstract][PDF]

On Saline Lakes of China[Abstract][PDF]

Henan and Its Illustration of the CPMF Model[Abstract][PDF]


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