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Ceological Characteristics and Formation Environment of the Meixian Massive Sulfide Deposit[Abstract][PDF]

Geochemical Study on Sources and Enrichment Mechanism of the Reformed and Super-inposed Sedimentary Deposit[Abstract][PDF]

A Preliminary Discussion on Geological Characteristics and Ore-forming Process of the Lemachang Silver Deposit in Ludian[Abstract][PDF]

Two Mesozoic Tectonic Events in Jiurui Area Jiangxi Province and Their Controlling Role in Rock-forming and Ore-forming Activities[Abstract][PDF]

Genesis of the Sinian Sediment-host Copper Deposits in Huaning-Eshan Area, Yunnan Province[Abstract][PDF]

A Discussion on the Geology of Ore Deposits[Abstract][PDF]

A Study of Minor Elements in Minerals from Polymetallic Deposits in the Central Part of the Da Hinggan Moutains[Abstract][PDF]

Ore-control Factors of the Mesozoic Volcanogenic Nonmetallic Deposits in Eastern Daqing Mountain Area[Abstract][PDF]

Fractal dimensions of fracture systems in antimony metallogenic zones of central Hunan and their indicating significance for migration of ore-forming fluids and location of ore deposits[Abstract][PDF]

A study of deep ore-prospecting work in No.2 gallery of the Shimen realgar deposit[Abstract][PDF]

Fractal characteristics of silver-gold deposits in the Pangxidong-jinshan metallogenic belt, south China[Abstract][PDF]

A preliminary discussion on some problems concerning metallogeny of the Changcheng type gold deposits in eastern Hebei[Abstract][PDF]

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