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Hydrothermal alteration of ore-bearing volcanic rocks and mass chemical CHANGE in the Gacun kuroko-type deposit, weatern Sichuan[Abstract][PDF]

The Wuziqilong copper depostit: The deformed upper part of a porphyry copper deposit[Abstract][PDF]

Geology and genesis fo the Baoshan silver (antimony) deposit in eastern Guangdong[Abstract][PDF]

Geology and origin of the Maodeng tin-copper deposit, Inner Mongolia[Abstract][PDF]

Lead isotope geochemistry of the Anjiacha gold deposit, Gasnsu Province[Abstract][PDF]

The genesis of the Detiangou gold deposit, Beijing[Abstract][PDF]

Microbial mats in the Gaobanhe zinc-pyrite deposit, eastern Hebei, and the Genesis of the deposit[Abstract][PDF]

Geological features and metallogenic model of Haizhou type phosphorite deposit[Abstract][PDF]

Typomorphic significance of Quartz thermolu-minescence in ore prospecting: A case stydy in the Xiangshan uranium deposit[Abstract][PDF]

The Re-Os isotopic age of molybdenite from Bayan Obo REE ore deposit[Abstract][PDF]


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