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Petrogeneses and metallogeneses 0f granitoids in east china in relation to their tectonic settings[Abstract][PDF]

Geological characteristics and genesis of the Gacun gold-bearing and silver-rich polymetallic deposit, Sichuan Province[Abstract][PDF]

Types, metallogenic environments and potentialities of metallogenic provinces of large copper deposits in China[Abstract][PDF]

Isotope geochemistry and metallogenic regularity of the Haigou gold deposit in Jilin Province[Abstract][PDF]

Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and silicon stable isotope studies of the Bajiazi lead-zinc deposit[Abstract][PDF]

Geological characteristics of the Shanmen silver deposit in Siping, Jilin Province[Abstract][PDF]

Relations of red bed periods to uranium mineralization in northwest china, Shangxi and Inner Mongolia[Abstract][PDF]

Global background of supergiant deposits: the viewpoint that continental plates originate from outer space[Abstract][PDF]

Secondary enrichment of phosphorite in eastern Yunnan and its formation mechanism[Abstract][PDF]

Geological characteristics and genesis of the Heping boron deposit in Changxing county, Zhejiang Province[Abstract][PDF]

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