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A new idea about the genesis of the aluminium rich podiform chromite deposit—with the Sartuohai chromite deposit of Xinjiang as an example[Abstract][PDF]

Constraints on the precipitation of ores from hydrothermal fluids in the two types of iron deposits within the Nanjing-Wuhu area[Abstract][PDF]

Slicate liquid immiscibillty of the Yangyuan-Fanshan complex in Hebei province and the origin of the fanshan type phosphorus deposits[Abstract][PDF]

An analysis of metallogenic physicochemical conditions and metallogenic processes of the Dongbeizhai micro-disseminated gold deposit in Sichuan province[Abstract][PDF]

A tentative discussion on material sources of the Xiwang uranium deposit[Abstract][PDF]

The physicochemical conditions for metallogenesis of no. 302 uranium deposit and the source and migration direction of its hydrothermal[Abstract][PDF]

Oxygen isotope fractionation in the quartz-water-salt system[Abstract][PDF]

A study of a weathering crust Kaolin deposit in Guangdong province[Abstract][PDF]

Geological characteristics of the Liboshikuang talc defosit in Shandong province[Abstract][PDF]

Mineral deposits of foreign couiltries in progtess——a brief introduction of papers delivered at 28th IGC meeting[Abstract][PDF]

Present state and prospects of isotope geology in china——impressioils obtained at tlle 4th nationwide symposium oil isotope geochronology and isotope geochemistry held in Hangzhou[Abstract][PDF]

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