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Brief ccounts of some famous Chinese geologists in the field of mineral deposits(1)[Abstract][PDF]

A genetic model for layered intrusions and vanadic titanomagnetite deposits in Panzhihua-Xichang area[Abstract][PDF]

A new view on the genesis of Yimen copper deposit in Yunnan province and its ore-prospecting significance[Abstract][PDF]

On the hydrothermal origin of the Gushan iron ore deposit in Anhui province[Abstract][PDF]

Structural models for spatial localization of hydrothermal ore deposits[Abstract][PDF]

Stable isotope geology of the Xintianling scheelite deposit[Abstract][PDF]

Geological characteristics of the Xujiashan stratified antimony deposit in Hubei province[Abstract][PDF]

Lead isotopic compositions of feldspar and ore and their geologic significance[Abstract][PDF]

Directions of prospecting for tin deposits in Zhejiang region in the light of Diwa theory.[Abstract][PDF]

Geological characteristics and origin of the Zhifang amphibolite type talc deposit in pingdu county, Shandong province[Abstract][PDF]

Material composition and genesis of secondary karst colluvial palingenic type Bauxite deposits[Abstract][PDF]

New advances in isotopic geologic studies of gold deposits in China[Abstract][PDF]

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