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Metallization fo Xihuashan tungsten deposit: An example linking magmatic deuteric infiltration with hydrothermal lodes[Abstract][PDF]

The metallogenetic series of the rare-earth, rare and nonferrous metal deposits related to the Yenshanian granites sin south China[Abstract][PDF]

New understanding of porphyries type iron ore deposits acquired through inclusion studies[Abstract][PDF]

Geochemistry of alkaline metasomatism[Abstract][PDF]

The genetic model of Duobaoshan porphyry copper deposit[Abstract][PDF]

Geological and geochemical characteristics of a certain pegmatite ore field of area metals in Fujian Province[Abstract][PDF]

A model of the genesis of granite-type and volcanite-type uranium mineralization[Abstract][PDF]

The application of fuzzy set method to the evaluation of uranium potential of some granitic intrusions in south China[Abstract][PDF]

Relationship of uranium mineralization to migamtitic metasomatism in lower proterozoic strata in Lianshanguan area, Liaoning Province[Abstract][PDF]

An investigation on the genesis of the uranium deposits of the hydrothermal superimposition and transformation type in carbonate-siliceous-pelitic rocks in China[Abstract][PDF]

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