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Geological characteristics and origin of Daxigou SEDEX siderite deposit in Shaanxi Province[Abstract][PDF]

Impact of laser focus on accuracy of U-Pb dating of zircons by LA-ICPMS[Abstract][PDF]

Fluid inclusions and sulfur and lead isotopic composition of Yangba Cu-polymetallic deposit in Gansu Province[Abstract][PDF]

Petrogenesis of quartz diorites of Narusongduo Pb-Zn deposit, Tibet: Constraints from geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes[Abstract][PDF]

Geochemistry of iron-rich debris from Zhibo submarine volcanic rocks in Xinjiang and its geological implications[Abstract][PDF]

Elements migration and mass change calculations in alteration zones of Zheyaoshan VMS deposit, Baiyinchang, Gansu Province[Abstract][PDF]

Mineral characteristics of Basitielieke W-polymetallic deposit in Altay of Xinjiang and their geological significance[Abstract][PDF]

Experimental studies of homogenization temperature of fluid inclusions of halite by isothermal evaporation at 25℃ involving NaCl-X-H2O (X=KCl, MgCl2, CaCl2, Na2SO4) system[Abstract][PDF]

Geological and geochemical characteristics of Ganshaebo REE deposit in North Qilian Orogen, Gansu Province[Abstract][PDF]

Sulfur and lead isotope composition and tracing of ore-forming material sources in Jiaduobule Fe-Cu deposit of Tibet[Abstract][PDF]

Sources of ore-forming materials and genesis of Aqishan Pb-Zn deposit in East Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang[Abstract][PDF]

Discovery of uranium minerals in Yunfeng bauxite deposit, Guizhou Province[Abstract][PDF]

Geochemical characteristics of Early Cretaceous Cu-rich rocks in middle segment of Bangong-Nujiang metallogenic belt: A case study of Xiongmei area[Abstract][PDF]

Geochemical characteristics of cryptoexplosive breccia in Ketinghaer copperzinc deposit of Qinghai Province and their geological significance[Abstract][PDF]

Geological characteristics, mineralization regularity and prospecting of Chuandu molybdenum, tungsten and copper deposit in Dabaoshan ore field, Guangdong Province[Abstract][PDF]



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