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Adakite, A Possible Host Rock for Porphyry Copper Deposits: Case Studies of Porphyry Copper Belts in Tibetan Plateau and in Northern Chile[Abstract][PDF]

Approach to Ore-Forming Conditions in Light of Ore Fluid Inclusions[Abstract][PDF]

Geological and Geochemical Studies of Yangshan Gold Deposit, Gansu Province[Abstract][PDF]

Characteristics and Genesis of Hongshijing Gold Deposit, Xinjiang[Abstract][PDF]

Metallogenic Province Derived from Mantle Sources: A Case Study of Central Asian Orogenic Belt[Abstract][PDF]

Geology and Ore Genesis of Jinchang Gold Deposit, Heilongjiang Province[Abstract][PDF]

Relationship Between Indosinian-Yanshanian Tectonic Framework and Large-Superlarge Mineral Deposits in Qinling-Qilian Orogenic Belt[Abstract][PDF]

Ar-Ar Ages of K-feldspar and Quartz from Dongji Gold Deposit,Northwest Jiaodong, and Their Significance[Abstract][PDF]

Ore Sources of Sb(Au) Deposits in Central Hunan:Ⅱ. Evidence of Isotopic Geochemistry[Abstract][PDF]

Type and Geological Characteristics of Fayunkuang Gold Deposit, Jiaodong[Abstract][PDF]

Background and Development of Researches on Platinum Group Elements in Porphyry Copper Deposits[Abstract][PDF]

Saline Lake Lithium Resources of China and Its Exploitation[Abstract][PDF]

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