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Water/ rock Ireraction During Formation of Skarn-type Deposits in Yueshan Ore field, Anhui Province[Abstract][PDF]

Sm-Nd Isotopic Dating of Fluorite Seperates from Dbngqiyishan Fluorite Deposit, Alxa, Western Inner Mongolia[Abstract][PDF]

Discussion on Meallogenic Epoch of Town and Yandong Porphyry Copper Deposits in Eastern Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang[Abstract][PDF]

Ore Minerals in Dajing Tin-polymetallic Depoit, Inner Mongolia, and Their Temporal and Spatial Evolution[Abstract][PDF]

Analysis of Oreforming Background and Tectonic System of Lanping Basin, WEstern Yunnan Province[Abstract][PDF]

Geological Characteristics and Oreforming Age of Saibagou Gold Deposit, Qinghai Province[Abstract][PDF]

Study on Oreforming Epoch of Xaotongjapuli Gold Deposit , Liaoning Province Liu Guoping[Abstract][PDF]

Gold Mneralization Styles of JingxL Yelmend Deposit : Evidence from Hydrothermal Alteration and Fluid Inclusion Data[Abstract][PDF]

Rare Earth Elements in Apatite from Porphyrite Iron Deposits of Ningwu Area[Abstract][PDF]

Discussion on Multi-element Enrichment Characteristics and Genesis of Fulichong Pb Zn (Ag) Metallogenic Belt, Guangxi[Abstract][PDF]

Preliminary Discussion on Oreforming Fluids and Enrichment Systems of Metallic Mnerals[Abstract][PDF]

Application of Seismic V/hve Dynamic Information to Detection of Concealed Ore Deposits[Abstract][PDF]

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