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The Metallogenic Geological Setting, Zonation and Fluid Evolution of the Au (Cu, Fe) Magnesian Skarn deposits in Sanpu[Abstract][PDF]

Geological Characteristics and Genetic Mechanism of the Diaoquan Silver-Copper Deposit, Shanxi Province[Abstract][PDF]

Geological Characteristics of the Shangmingyu Gold Deposit and its Relationship to Dahenan Granite Mass[Abstract][PDF]

A Discussion on Breccia/Stockwork-Porphyry Type Gold Deposits[Abstract][PDF]

Metallogenic Proferentiality and Metallotect convergence of Unique Ore Deposits in China[Abstract][PDF]

Characteristics and Genesis of the Yiermand Hot-spring Gold Deposit in Yining County, Xinjiang[Abstract][PDF]

Time-space Four-dimensional Framework of the Jingchang Gold Deposit in Mojiang County, Western Yunnan[Abstract][PDF]

Grochemistry and Metallogenic Mechanism of the Sawayaerdun Gold-antimony Deposit[Abstract][PDF]

Geochemical Studies of Ore-forming Fluids in Gold Deposits of Southwestern Hunan[Abstract][PDF]

The Deep-derived Fluids and Gold Mineralization in the Northern Part of Taihang Mountains[Abstract][PDF]

Chronology and Oricin of the Canlianczitin Orefield, Xinjiang[Abstract][PDF]

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