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Genetic type of V-Ti magnetite deposits in Panzhihua-Xichang area[Abstract][PDF]

Genetic relationship between sodium-rich dioritoids and iron ore series in the Middle-Lower valley of the Yangtze River[Abstract][PDF]

Preliminary prognosis of tin prospects in eastern Tibet[Abstract][PDF]

Imitation experimentation on the Shizhuyuan tungsten, tin, molybdenum and bismuth skarn deposit in southeastern Hunan province[Abstract][PDF]

The evolution of sedimentary materials and the formation 0f certain sorts of stratabound deposits[Abstract][PDF]

Geochemical characteristics and genetic discussion of the stratabound lead-zinc ore deposits in fengtai, Shaanxi province[Abstract][PDF]

The discovery of laminar tin mineralization in Northern Guangxi and its significance[Abstract][PDF]

The intrusive contact structural system of the copper-zinc polymetallic deposit in Longxianggai-lamo area, Guangxi[Abstract][PDF]

Geological characteristics of the Xixiang bentonite deposit in quaternary sediments, Yangxian county, Shaangxi province[Abstract][PDF]

Rhythm characteristics and depositional stages of salts in Dawenkou depression 0f Shandong province[Abstract][PDF]

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